Wednesday, June 25, 2014

 In the distance, along the horizon Peter saw a spectacular sight; more spectacular than the moon even more spectacular than the shooting star. Against the blackness around him, a collection of bright colors lay ahead; yellows, reds, blues, and purples. ‘What on Earth is that?’thinking to himself. Peter started walking again, much faster this time. The colors grew brighter as did the structure they were connected to. Reaching the end of the side walk Peter made out the shape of the color structure, a stained glass bear. The glass bear structure stood on all fours and was easily twenty feet high. With no other lights around the bear was the most colorful object seen for miles.

Sunday, June 8, 2014

Cibola City

My blog is titled Adventures in Cibola City. I chose this title since Cibola City is where I like to retreat when I want to get creative. There is a Native American legend of a city called Cibola that was made entirely of gold. This legend intrigued me and thought what if the city held other secrets beside gold. Lots of personal thinking and historical research lead to my creation of my Cibola City. Instead of gold my Cibola holds the secrets to the worlds Seven Ancient Wonders. For me, the creation of this Cibola City is where I turn for inspiration. In my mind it is a thriving metropolis. For me in the real world I turn to Cibola City for sketching or writing a short story inspiration.With this inspiration the city continues to grow with and through me. I have even created an entire story based around this fictitious city and retreat to here when I need creative inspiration. There are many mysteries to Cibola City mainly its architecture, strange buildings and strange history that seem to stem from ancient Greece, Egypt or Roman times. Below is an aerial view of the city that has literally taken over 5 years of thought and planning. Some key buildings are borrowed from history and some buildings are my own creation. The buildings borrowed from history hold powers beyond comprehension and can have catastrophic consequences if they fell into the wrong hands. Be on the look out for more detailed Cibola City scenes in the future. Has it also been mentioned that Cibola City is balanced on a piece of land that resembles a 'spinning top'?

Thursday, June 5, 2014

A Peek at a Villain

Let's take a peek at a villain of Cibola City, a strange being from another world Kladaugh. Using an ornately inscribed metal stave topped with a crescent shaped emerald allowing him to control electrical currents, In this case APPLIANCES! Running amuck over Cibola City causing trouble and mayhem they hunt for Squibble and his band of friends. Kladaugh needs Squibble as he is the only one who can harness the true power and majesty of Cibola City, even though Squibble may not know it yet.

Squibble, out with Rattles, notices some odd happenings across the street.
Kladaugh and team corner Squibble.
Dee-Frost is Kladaugh's second in command of the electrical current.

Sunday, June 1, 2014

She is Giving Me Many Story Ideas

I visited the De Young Museum in San Francisco recently to see the exhibit Lines On the Horizon. You know for some inspiration. There will be a post soon about the exhibit and what has breathed new life into creative thought process. Anyhow this post is about one piece in the De Youngs permanent collection, an Untitled piece by Nicolas Africano.

She is absolutely gorgeous. Her body is bronze and her dress is cast glass. Yes, glass. Needless to say this girl has been on my mind with acting out a dozen short story ideas. She is a nice refresher outside of my normal story ideas.